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How to Draw a Foot Step by Step TUTORIAL

Learn to draw feet

If you desire to acquire how to draw people and go deeper into act painting, you lot might inquire the question: How to draw a feet?
In this drawing tutorial, I will endeavor to give some answers to this question and bear witness you a few helpful tricks.

Larn to depict feet

The most important parts of a human foot are the heel, the toes, the span, the ball, the Achilles tendon and the ankle. The flick beneath shows a foot with its elements.

how to draw feet
The most important parts of a foot

Depict a foot in a side view

A first and easy exercise to draw feet is to draw the foot in the side view. There are dissimilar methods and approaches for this. In this cartoon I will use the method of decomposition into geometric bodies. A foot tin exist divided into circles, which are then connected with lines. You tin see how this is done in the following cartoon.

I have divided the foot into three circles representing the heel, the toes, and the ball. The circles become smaller and smaller along an oblique line (drawn in green). With a few lines the foot sole, the back of the human foot, the Achilles tendon and the shinbone are marked.

how to draw feet
graphical decomposition of a human foot

If you desire to learn how to draw feet, you tin can accept three simple steps:

1. Graphical decomposition into simple geometric bodies - equally described above.
2. Rounding the intersections of circles and lines.
3. Detailing and erasing the superfluous lines

The following drawing illustrates this exercise:

Learn to draw feet
Learning to draw feet in 3 steps

Learning to draw the sole of a foot

Now let'south look at the underside of the foot - the sole of the foot. Drawing is very important as information technology helps the states to understand the shape of your feet ameliorate, and that helps us in drawing your feet in other postures and other perspectives.

Here, besides, we go along in three steps:

  1. Sketching of the feet with unproblematic geometric bodies = circles, ellipses, and lines
  2. Rounding the interfaces of these bodies and lines
  3. Detailing, correcting and erasing superfluous lines
Learn to draw feet
sole of a feet draw in three steps

Help drawing the proportions

The decomposition of the foot into geometrical bodies, however, does not quite solve the problem of correctly drawing the proportions of the foot. For this I would like to give y'all a few tips on the way.

One tin can divide the human foot, equally viewed from below, into five parts. Each part is thus i/5 long:

  • Part one = Toes (more specifically the Big Toe and the following one)
  • Part two = Football
  • Office three + 4 = metatarsal (between the football and the heel)
  • Part v = heel
proportions of a foot
illustration of correct proportions of a human foot

Depict a pes from backside

When yous describe deed studies you sooner or afterward enter the situation that you accept to draw feet from a perspective from behind. The previous drawing methods and exercises do not assistance here much further. Therefore I would like to give a few tips for this instance.

Looking at feet from behind, one looks at the Achilles' tendon, ankle and heel. You have to make sure that the Achilles tendon is relatively thin – at to the lowest degree thinner than the residuum of the foot - and so you can nevertheless run into the ankles of the foot.

Drawing foot from behind
Drawing left foot from behind

When cartoon the ankle, make sure that the ankle on the inside of the foot is slightly higher than on the outer side. The post-obit picture shows the anatomy.

Drawing foot from behind
Drawing pes from behind

Here are a few drawings of anxiety from other perspectives. And other attitudes. But every bit already said - more in the side by side guides.

With these tips on cartoon feet and a bit of practise, simple act studies should be an easy task. There are many more tips and things to consider, merely more in a following guide.


How to Draw a Foot Step by Step TUTORIAL

Posted by: henrytroment46.blogspot.com

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